Online Kérdőív

Kérdőív minta: Transportation in the future

1. oldal

1/1. How old are you?
1/2. Pick your gender!

2. oldal

2/1. What are the main problems with our ways of transportation today?
2/2. On a scale of 1-10 how will our transportation change compared to nowadays's?
2/3. Will there be any new kind of vehicles?
2/4. If yes, what kind of vehicles?
2/5. What will be the biggest changes and developements in transportation? (You can pick more than one answer)
2/6. Do you think, that scientists will find a way, to travel in a completely environmentally friendly way?
2/7. Do you think, that it is possible, that ordenary humans will travel into space or other galaxies?
2/8. Will humans develop other ways of producing energy?
2/9. What will humans use, as their main energy source?
2/10. Will public transport change? How?
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